Pool Renovations

Is Pool Auto-Fill Worth It?

Is Pool Auto-Fill Worth It? | Edgewater Pools

Is a Pool Auto-Fill Worth It?

A pool auto-fill works by keeping track of the pool water level and filling it as the water level becomes lower due to evaporation and pool use. You never have to lug over a hose and remember to turn it off before the swimming pool overflows.

Your pool equipment can become damaged if the water level gets too low, especially the pool pump motor. When water gets too low, the skimmer can pull air into your swimming pool filtration system causing the pool pump to overheat and burn out the motor.

Pool auto-fill is a great, affordable feature for your pool. Automatic pool water levelers regularly adjust your swimming pool to the correct water level, so you never need to worry about manually filling your pool again. There are many benefits to installing a pool auto-fill to a pool that is being constructed or to an existing pool. Be confident that Edgewater Pools will professionally install your new equipment.

Consult a Professional Pool Company

Having a reliable and trustworthy company you can go to for all your pool needs will make all the difference. Contact Edgewater Pools today to get started!