Saltwater Pools

Saltwater Pools Versus Chlorine : Your Eco-Friendly Pool

Image of saltwater pools versus chlorine by Edgewater Pool and Spa Services

Saltwater Pools Versus Chlorine

When it comes to being a pool owner, the choice between saltwater pools versus chlorine is a big one, but Edgewater Pools is here to help. With advancements in technology, like the Jandy TruClear Salt System and the Pentair, saltwater pools are gaining ground for their simplicity and reliability.

Saltwater pools trump chlorine pools in many ways. One big advantage is the consistent chlorine levels. Unlike chlorine pools, which can swing up and down, saltwater pools keep chlorine steady, so you do not have to worry about adjustments. The Jandy TruClear Salt System was made for hassle-free maintenance and promises a seamless transition to saltwater without compromising performance or reliability. Another reason that many pool owners make the switch and opt for a Saltwater Pool Conversion is simply that swimming in a saltwater pool versus chlorine is a completely different and overall more pleasant experience. The water feels smooth and natural, without the strong chlorine smell and chemical that stings your eyes.

How Does a Saltwater Pool System Work?

Saltwater systems, like the Jandy TruClear Salt System, utilize a process called electrolysis. As water flows through the salt cell, a low electric charge converts salt into chlorine gas, which cleans the water before reverting to salt, creating a natural, continuous cleaning cycle. When it comes to durability and support, you can rest easy knowing that as a certified warranty center for top brands like Pentair and the Jandy TruClear Salt System, Edgewater Pools has you covered.

The choice between saltwater pools versus chlorine is a personal one. With the simplicity, reliability, and feel offered by saltwater systems, it is easy to see why so many are making the switch.

Consult a Professional Pool Company

Having a reliable and trustworthy company you can go to for all your pool needs will make all the difference. Contact Edgewater Pools today to get started!